Show all Work Azura Gaming Blog Updates Random Game Dev Onslaught Modding Pixel Art Custom CLI for Fast Server Switching and more!September 7, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Exams + Work + Open Dev + GamesSeptember 2, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Auto-Correction & MochaAugust 27, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Decoration LayersAugust 26, 2015by Vasu Mahesh NodeJS and RequireJS SupportAugust 25, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Fixes and ReleasesAugust 15, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Automating ReleasesJuly 27, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Bower and NPMJuly 20, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Continuing ScaledJS…July 1, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Managing ‘Variable’ Terrain TexturesMay 25, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Edge Detection: A PainMay 9, 2015by Vasu Mahesh Diamond SquareMay 8, 2015by Vasu Mahesh