Participated in Barclays Rise Hackathon 2016 (25th September), world’s largest Fin-tech Hackathon. My team won Rs. 150,000 (yay me!) for implementing a proof of concept that makes offers and advertisements smarter and more reliable, and hence providing a better conversion ratio for banks and merchants. Overall, we won the Moxtra API challenge where we signified the use of that API in our project.

Here is a tech summary of what we used:

Frontend: Bootstrap & Mobile part on Android
Server: Elixir deployed via exrm
DB: MySQL (Yeah, it was a hack xP)

It was ironic that I, coming from a background of CouchDB and Couchbase, used MySQL. But I felt it was easiest to deliver the product within the right amount of time. Since Elixir had frameworks like Ecto (which is similar to SailsJS’s waterline models & also provides similar blueprinting apis) that helped develop the system in a relatively faster way.

I am really pleased with the results. Learnt a lot of elixir from this hack and I really want to go further into this language!