People using Icons8 Fonts and running on Angular or any Grunt compatible application can use
It’s a really simple tool that manages the post processing for Icons8 Font Files. It performs some basic tasks like renaming the files and adding prefix to the SCSS/CSS Files. It also calculates a relative path between your cssExport directory and the fontExport directory and adds it automatically to the Style files.
grunt.initConfig({ icons8: { dev: { options: { prefix: 'my-app', cssExportPath: 'css/', fontExportPath: 'output/', fontFilename: 'myFont', scss: true }, archivePath: 'test/' }, prod: { options: { cssExportPath: 'css/', fontExportPath: 'output/', fontFilename: 'myFont', relativeFontPath: '../assets/fonts/typography' }, archivePath: 'test/' } }, });